Intention is so difficult for me sometimes. Somehow I seem to get sucked up into old patterns and habits. That's why this book has brought me much needed clarity lately. After devouring its pages I finally feel like I might actually be able to grasp onto some sort of reality in this chaotic world.
Words seems to be an ongoing thread in my life and many forces are coming together as I meet a crossroads in my life. I'd love to delve into all of these synchronicities, but I'm still processing their meaning and incorporating them into my own life. Nearly every other page in my book is dog eared and I want to savor these words again and let them sink deeply into my soul.
My journey may differ from yours, but despite our separate paths I urge you to read this book and we might meet along the road to enlightenment. This will serve you as a short and sweet guide to gaining control of your own life and breaking free from the constraints of our own human domestication. Happy reading...